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i have no special talents, i am only passionately curious -Einstein

Sunday, November 30, 2014

i feel like a lot has happened: good, not so good, confusing.

a serious talk occurred with the guy that i really liked, he brought everything up, so that part is all on him. we talked a bit (about expectations and what happens next), and now he has disappeared. i have no idea where he has gone too- but he's just gone.

fuck tard "messaged" me again, i didn't respond. but all of the emotions that i spent months getting over (which i genuinely felt i had done successfully) came crawling back. ive started thinking about him again, wanting him again- i messaged him (a month after he messaged me). it wasn't completely horrible- i told him i missed him (even though i know its stupid for me too), and i also kind of called him a coward- told him if he legitimately never wants anything from me again, than to not be coward and tell me; because the fact that i catch him staring makes me dwell on the fact that it could be a possibility. ugh- will i ever get over him?

I'm finally acting as team supervisor; its going fine, not as stressful (yet) as everybody puts it out to be. its only a contract though, rumour has it that it will just continue- so we'll see. hopefully it lasts, i could get used to not having to work weekends.

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