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i have no special talents, i am only passionately curious -Einstein

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

I had no actual intention of ever coming back on here, writing about my life; but I found myself sitting here attempting to study for a test, thinking about my past and how far I have come these past eight months.

I'm happy, genuinely happy and I need to write about it- I don't care if anybody sees it.

I went to a therapist for what I thought was becasue of how I was feeling after a tragic occurence at work; turns out, it was my own life that I was struggling with, the incident just sent me over my edge. It was the hardest thing I have done, I had a panic attack before my first session.

I decided that I was finally ready to go back to school; of course I was to late to apply for the program I wanted so I opted for general studies for now. I've applied for the program now, but I won't know until June/ July to see whether this past seven months was for anything.  fingers crossed.

I made my first New Years resolution; to be happy, to not dwell, and to see the positive in things. Something is working.

The past  month has been a whirlwind of emotions, but I'm not quite ready to talk about that. 

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